The 2013-14 CCGS year began with the Third Annual Saltwater Fishing Tournament in July. I commend the tremendous effort and dedication put forth by Chairman Leighton Devine and his team of Ryan Egger, Patrick McCullough and Dawn Bissell. There were 26 teams, 21 bay and 5 offshore. Be sure to attend the Annual Kickoff Bar-B-Q on Sep. 12 at the Bar-B-Q Man Patio Cantina. Unfortunately, the cost to the CCGS of the dinner goes up every year and, we will lose some money this year despite the $30 per person fee. It is still a bargain as the complimentary bar will be generously sponsored by the Gisler Brothers Mudlogging Company.
What is the purpose of the CCGS? The CCGS bylaws state that
“The object is to promote the science of geology, especially as it relates to the development of oil and gas and other resources in Southwest Texas.”
The Houston Geological Society, which has similar goals in their bylaws, states on the HGS web page: The Society strives to achieve these goals through
a. Regularly scheduled technical meetings,
b. Publication of a monthly Bulletin,
c. A continuing education program,
d. Field trips,
e. The publication of timely books,
f. And two student scholarship funds.
The CCGS uses all of the above means to “promote the science of geology.” Recently, we have added another category to the list – educational programs for schools. The CCGS has had tremendous success in developing educational programs for schools (rocks, maps, bones, and boulders). Some of these programs have become nation-wide. The history committee published the “Wooden Rigs Iron Men” book and related movie and the Ice Age video.
A couple of areas that I have seen lacking in the CCGS program in recent years are continuing education classes and field trips. When I entered the oil business as a young geologist/geophysicist, the local societies provided schools and fieldtrips that helped young geoscientists transition from academia into petroleum geology. These are essential training tools for both young and new geologists. Stephen Thomas is our new Continuing Education and Field Trip Committee.
The CCGS needs a chairman for the 2016 GCAGS Annual Meeting scheduled to be hosted by the CCGS in Corpus Christi. The GCAGS is an important fundraiser for the society. If you want to volunteer for this important position or if you know of someone that would be a good candidate for the job, please give me a call.
Also, if you are an AAPG member, please check your status. If you are an Associate Member and qualify as an Active member, please change your status to Active, as it affects how many delegates that we can have at the AAPG meetings. We currently have 76 active, 38 associate, 1 honorary, 2 lifetime, 23 student and 21 student young professionals. Student YP’s should convert their status to Active or Associate as well if they are employed in the industry.
The only difference in the two classifications is an active member is practicing or teaching geological science (at least one year), while an associate member employment is associated with geological science. The active membership costs the same as the associate membership, but an active member requires three sponsors (two active members).
Active – Any person engaged in the practice or teaching of geology may apply for membership as a Member, provided the applicant holds a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctor’s Degree in geological science, including, but not limited to, geology, geophysics, earth science, geological engineering or environmental geoscience, from a college of acceptable academic standards and, in addition, has had a minimum of one (1) year of experience in the practice or teaching of geological science.
Associate – Any person not qualified for any other class of membership who is a graduate of a college of acceptable academic standards whose employment is associated with geological science, may apply for election as an Associate.
Bob Critchlow
CCGS President 2013 – 2014