September 2011

MikeLucenteWelcome to the first bulletin of the Corpus Christi Geological Society for the 2011 – 2012 year. I want to thank last year’s President, Rick Paige, for his great contribution as our last year’s President. We have a great group of officers and chairpersons this year, all dedicated to doing a great job. Don’t miss our annual Kick-off event at the BBQ Man Cantina, September 8th – 5:30 – 8:00 pm. We are pleased to announce that CGG Veritas is again sponsoring the bar.

Our new Technical Editor is Jason Downing, who is screening articles to publish. We would like a little help from the membership insofar as making us aware of interesting articles to publish. This will be greatly appreciated. We also have established a plan for putting digital ads on the webpage. Contact us and be an advertiser ( A digital version of the Bulletin, in color, is available for free download at our website. A $10/yr. fee will be assessed for mailed paper bulletins. I also request that you renew your membership for this year’s CCGS as soon as possible. The 2nd Annual CCGS Saltwater Fishing Tournament was held July 29th. Chairman Ryan Egger had to cancel the offshore portion of the tournament due to rough seas, but it was still a great success and generated thousands of dollars for the Owen Hopkins’ Educational Fund. See the article in this issue.

We still are shocked and saddened by the untimely passing of Owen Hopkins. I was glad to be one of his many, many friends. I believe that Owen is irreplaceable. He was one- of-a-kind. When I think of Owen I think of the phrase “a candle that burns at both ends burns twice as bright.” I will be challenged this year to continue his incredible educational programs.

We have moved our CCGS data, rocks, minerals, and bones to a new facility near the downtown area. We are still in the construction and move-in phase. We will invite all to see it when we are finished.

We have a new opening available on the Scholarship Committee, and I ask for interested volunteers to contact me. I was on the committee for many years and it is very rewarding and not difficult.

See you at the Kick-off!

Michael Lucente
CCGS President, 2011-12