November 2014

Thank you to those who came out to hear Ken Williams from Halliburton give a very thought provoking talk on barostratigraphy. I really enjoyed hearing him speak, and I am thankful that I could walk away with a new tool to help with my craft. This month Tony Hauglum with Riviera Exploration will give us an “Eagleford Update.” It is always great to hear a local success story. I hope you will come out and join us November 19th for our luncheon meeting.

The 2014 GCAGS Annual Convention was held last month in Lafayette, Louisiana, and it was a very entertaining and informative event. The convention was very well attended, and as many pointed out was of the same scale as is predicted when we host in 2016. The CCGS was well represented, and we learned a great deal of what it takes to host such an event these days. Please get with our GCAGS 2016 Chairman Dawn Bissell and volunteer.

Here are a few observations that I found interesting from the demographics report.

  1. Only 33% of the attendees stated that they worked for companies that allocated 20% or more of their company assets in unconventional “resource” plays. 60% of folks claim they spend zero time in the unconventional plays.
  2. Almost 20% of the attendees were students. This seems to be a real trend lately. It is great to see the future of our industry participating in these events. On that same note, over 50% of the attendees were over the age of 51.

I was able to meet a bunch of great folks in Lafayette, and it is amazing how you can get the pulse of the industry while attending such an event. The decline in oil prices since early August was the topic of most discussion, and it seems I heard or had conversations that ranged from the sky is falling to this dip will provide a tremendous opportunity. Since the convention oil is down another 10%, and I am still having the same conversations. At these times I typically resort back to something my father reminded me of constantly. “Keep working hard, these things typically sort themselves out.”

Leighton Devine
CCGS President 2014 – 2015