The Boulders In Schools Program is really starting to “roll”. CCGS has placed Boulders in five Schools and at the Corpus Christi Botanical Gardens, the last one being Kaffee Middle School, with several more lined up to happen between now and the end of the year. This CCGS Program is suddenly becoming increasingly popular with possible “boulder avalanche warnings” for later. Kids in the Coastal Bend that have never seen a really large chunk of real Igneous, Metamorphic, or Sedimentary Rock will now have a chance to see, feel, and experience real rocks right in their own school yard thanks to the CCGS Boulders In Schools Program. A toast of special thanks goes to our Boulder placement team: Krista Burke, Dennis Moore, and Rick Paige. We also had good reports from the Teacher Extravaganza from Krista Burke and Alan Costello. Other CCGS team members are gearing up for the CAST(Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching) convention that will be held in Corpus Christi where CCGS will be helping out with educational teaching materials that will be provided to the attending teachers and a special Bones Presentation by Mike Lucente. A new Grant request through one of our important Foundations is currently being submitted to secure funds and help handle this “boulder avalanche” that is headed toward the Coastal Bend. CCGS and its members are making a difference in our community by opening the doors to wide eyed and inquisitive students throughout our local schools. Earth Science is real because of the CCGS effort.
The GCAGS Convention was held this year in the great city of Austin, Texas. I hope that you were one of the many CCGS members that were able to attend this year’s convention in the State Capital of Texas. Activities and Field Trips and Presentations were all of excellent caliber and yes the Tsunami of the Unconventional Plays was still present in the main fabric of the Convention. I had the opportunity to attend the GCAGS Board Meeting in Austin and was pleased to present a Highlights Summary to the entire group about the success of the Corpus Christi Geological Society and all of our associated Programs and Activities for 2012 and 2013.
Oil prices are excellent and natural gas is once again improving. The Light of the Independent Oil and Gas Companies is beginning to shine a little brighter once again. To be successful, we must Embrace Petroleum Geologyand find hydrocarbons in the form of Gas/ Condensate and Oil. So what are we looking for in the conventional world? A great well does not have to be lying on its side. Below are two excellent examples of excellent hydrocarbon sands found vertically right here on the Texas Gulf Coast. Both of these vertical wells were drilled in older Fields where everyone said that there was nothing left. Gas –Condensate Wells offer the best of both worlds and are highly sought after to provide good economics that provide offsetting balances in product price. Find some today like this and your economics will look great on your Prospect. What we have here is a beautiful Gas-Condensate Frio Nodosaria Channel Sand with 70’ of virgin pressure net gas-condensate with high porosity and permeability with tremendous mud log shows. This well has produced over 12 BCF and 140,073 BC. Be sure and closely look at the resistivity values in this gas-condensate sand as well as the average porosity through the main distributary channel sand! This well had a CAOF of 950 MMCFGPD or almost 1 BCF a day at an idealized calculated absolute open flow! This Gas-Condensate Petroleum Geology is definitely worth Embracing.

If you do not go after Gas-Condensate Reservoirs then Embrace an Oil Sand like below as a highly economic target. At $90 to$100/Barrel your prospect economics will again look fantastic! Oil wells offer the highest most attractive product price in this current time. What you have here is a really good Yegua Formation Pettus Sand that is literally full of Oil with 12’ of net oil sand greater than or equal to 24% density porosity. This Oil sand has excellent quality with permeability exhibiting a very smooth SP curve. Note the classic stacking pattern of the density-neutron curves for the indication of an oil filled sand. This same sand was penetrated by a total of 6 wells and has produced 527,604 BO since 2003 or about 87,934 BO per well. This Oil Petroleum Geology is also very much worth Embracing.

Our Guest speaker for November at our noon luncheon meeting at the Town Club will be one of our own special members, Ray Govett, and his topic for his presentation is “Nueces River Capture”. Please be there to welcome Ray and listen to his presentation on how to understand modern river processes! This information could help you in formulating exploration models. Also congratulate Ray on the completion of the CCGS history movie “Tales from the South Texas Oil Patch” which will debut at a CCGS Social in late January of 2013. I will look forward to seeing all of you there in the Town Club on Thursday November 15th from 11:30 a.m. until 1:00p.m. Also CCGS will present Scholarships to some of our local Geology Students at the November noon meeting.

Dennis A. Taylor
CCGS President, 2012-13