(retired from oil and gas exploration and management- February 2005)
I miss Barbara. I miss Laura. I miss Amy. I miss our geotechs. I took for granted the supply cabinet. I took for granted that my mail appeared everyday in my Inbox and that my mail disappeared every day from the Outbox. I took for granted that my phone calls were screened. I miss calling Nixon’s to send something over. I miss the filing system. I miss the electric pencil sharpener. I miss getting airline reservations done for me. I miss the fax and Xerox machines. I miss the computer guys who will come over on very short notice to fix something. I miss seeing my colleague’s everyday. I miss going to Luciano’s every Monday for our board meetings. Appreciate where you are and your staff and colleagues.
I can tell that I must miss the excitement of generating a new idea and the heart pounding thrill of deadlines and meetings and wells logging because I am approaching my CCGS Educational Program like an oil deal. My own, self imposed goals and deadlines have been putting, possibly, undue stress on me. That is how I have learned to attack projects–spend some time assessing if the project is needed, then forge a plan and blaze ahead to completion. But unlike oil/gas prospects, I do not have to wait until we have all the leases. Getting away from a workaday office does not necessarily alleviate stress and anxiety.
I am so proud of our Corpus Christi Geological Society. I am proud of our members who stepped up to donate money, to donate time, to advise me, to come to the luncheons, to help on developing my education plan.
I learned not to burn bridges in front of me.
I plan to stay involved as Past President and to work with future administrations to move forward on our Three Prong Educational Attack 2006-2010. And I have other ideas that will be forthcoming: Saxet Field, Ingleside Faunal pit, new science emphasis library in Tuloso/Midway area, CC Museum of Science, and more.
Owen Hopkins April 16, 2007 rev.