Dear members, associate members, and student members;
Thank you for allowing me to serve as your CCGS President for 2012-2013, your CCGS President –Elect 2011- 2012, your CCGS Vice President –Program Chairman for 2010-2011, and your CCGS Technical Chairman for 2 years 2009-2010 and 2008-2009. It has been an honor and a privilege to work with all of you especially all of the volunteers to our various functioning committees and many past presidents and previous volunteers as well as our Board of Director’s officers and members. Our Society is amazing in that it accomplishes so much with its approximate 300 members. Onward!
As my Presidency winds down I would like to share a few special concepts with everyone:
“EMBRACE GEOLOGY” by experiencing life through adventure. “Life is an adventure worth having; have one today. Adventures can happen at any scale so keep your eyes wide open to everything that happens around you.”
“EMBRACE GEOLOGY” through all the Simple and Complex Patterns In Nature that are amazing and that you are constantly immersed in on one of the most beautiful planets in our solar system and probably in our local group.
“EMBRACE GEOLOGY” through applying cause and effect to all observable events and realize that Chaos is difficult to find and we live through a circle fast and slow that is never ending and it can’t stop and will continually make you wonder. The beauty of the never ending spiral in nature is awesome whether it is a shell or a galaxy or a hurricane. It is a common denominator; feel it in your soul. Treasure the time that you are here and make a difference by sharing your experience and understanding especially with children and young people and all people. Owen R. Hopkins had a great gift of sharing and made a difference to the young people around him.
“EMBRACE GEOLOGY” by applying your understanding of the patterns in nature to the hunt for Raw Natural Materials and Energy in Concentrated Form which is needed to support the future technology advances associated with the success of the human condition. Energy is the bottom line! Support and use your talents to utilize all the forms of Energy available to support Mankind.
“EMBRACE GEOLOGY” by learning to conserve and use what we have with wisdom so that we can reach to the stars to explore for our future. We must never never never give up!
“EMBRACE GEOLOGY” by remembering that to change is inevitable and to survive is essential not only on a personal level of existence but also on a grand universal level. Please step back and take a look at the really really “big picture” here on our planet called Earth. Our present and future has been controlled literally by the Geologic Environment!! Change is Continuous and as always the ability to adapt to the changes means survival. I want you and the Human Race to survive.
In my 1st Letter back in October I started with an amazing photo of authigenic crystals growing in the pore spaces between the supporting framework grains from a Vicksburg Sandstone Reservoir in T.C.B. Field of Jim Wells- Kleberg County South Texas. Explore and be amazed! I want to end with the same scanning electron microscope photograph and the wonderment of what I see!

Please remember this paragraph that was shared in the 1st Bulletin and with all that attended the CCGS Kickoff BBQ and share this with all of our younger and upcoming Geologists that: “Geology can be literally embraced; it can be touched; it can be seen and appreciated; it can generate smells and can make tremendous sounds and you can feel it move under your feet. All of your senses and awareness are incorporated in fully understanding Geology. You must be a master of many disciplines and because of this you, the Geologist, have the pleasure of understanding how everything fits gloriously together in a never ending circle in a circle. Geology is a fantastic world of textures and classifications and natural problem solving. Geologist learn well and you are welcome anywhere on this planet to an astounding array of professional and scientific jobs. The world is at your feet; explore it and understand!”
Still Speaking of Volunteers; CCGS is still in need of two very very special volunteers for a very very special event coming up in 2016, The 2016 GCAGS Corpus Christi Convention. These Volunteers need to be individuals with a strong business sense as well as being organized and leaders that can make something happen and get it done! There are many of you out there in our organization that are capable of filling these two positions. In the past this has been our biggest and best fund raiser. We need your help to make Corpus Christi the Geologic Mecca for a few days in the fall of 2016! Can you do it? Consider it a challenge and an honor to be the General Chairman of the 2016 Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Convention in Corpus Christi; Texas. WE NEED these Volunteers SOON so that we can commit to having the 2016 GCAGS Convention right in Corpus Christi on the Texas Riviera of the Third Coast! Please contact anyone on the Board of Directors as soon as possible. Maybe there are two of you that want to tag team these positions. Please consider and contact CCGS. GCAGS does provide a consulting business organization called GEM (Global Events Management) and there is also a Convention Operations Manual that provides the direction to make this happen! If you have a strong business sense coupled with organizational skills and Leadership capabilities CCGS and GCAGS sincerely need you.
Our Guest speaker for May at our noon luncheon meeting at the Town Club will be Dr. Rusty Reese and his special topic for his presentation is “Oil Spills, Ethics, and Society: How they intersect and where the responsibilities reside.” Please be there to welcome our special AAPG Distinguished Lecturer. Attendees who are present for the entire lecture will earn 1 PDH ethics credit that can be applied to continuing education requirements for professional geoscience licenses. See you there and again thanks for the adventure! Also please see and read the CCGS Summary Update following this letter that I prepared for the GCAGS Mid-Year Board of Directors Meeting in New Orleans on March 19th 2013. It is a summary of what a great organization CCGS really is! Thank s to all of you for allowing me to be a special part of the Corpus Christi Geological Society.

Dennis A. Taylor
CCGS President, 2012-13