The Corpus Christi Geological Society will be hosting Collegiate Month February 18th for our monthly luncheon meeting. I am eager to hear from our local colleges as they report on the status and direction of their geoscience programs. This event can only strengthen the relationship between our local colleges and the member societies. The CCGS/CBGS members make a difference in our local colleges. In turn, those institutions are changing us. I see this as a huge step in the right direction. I need to recognize our Vice President Randy Bissell for planning this event. Thank you. Your contribution to our society has been unmatched in recent history.
Membership numbers are in and once again we have strong numbers in both the CCGS and CBGS. The CCGS has just under 300 members with over 50 student members. Our membership numbers are great and the attendance numbers at our local meeting are up, but are we prepared for what is on our plate in the near future? Once again I will remind you that we are scheduled to hold the GCAGS Annual Convention in the fall of 2016. Having strong leadership in place will be vital to a successful convention. Volunteerism is an integral part of who and what we are. The CCGS will cease to exist without good people donating their time and energy. Nomination forms for officers will be emailed out to the membership in the near future. I ask everyone to please be involved in this process. If you would like to run for a particular officer positon please let me know. The officer election will take place at the April meeting.
I’ve been made aware that the annual Family Fossil Hunt is a go for 2015 at the Wright Brothers’ Gravel Pit and Quarry. Details have not been finalized, but we should have some news for you at the next meeting. Keep your eyes out for an announcement in the March bulletin. Finally, please come out and join us Tuesday February 17th around 5:30pm at the Executive Surf Club. Ken Orlaska with GeoTrace has agreed to sponsor Pint Night. Once again, thank you to all of our great sponsors. See you next month.
Leighton L. Devine
CCGS President