February 2014

The luncheon meeting speaker this month at the Town Club (Wed. Feb. 19) will be J. Carl Fiduk, the Exploration Manager for WesternGeco. His topic will be “A Brief Tectonic and Depositional History of the northern GOM.” He is an AAPG Distinguished Lecturer.

Thanks to Zack Corcoran who has stepped in to serve as the new CCGS Treasurer.

Since it is the beginning of a New Year, I would like to remind everybody about the upcoming meetings that you should put on your calendar.

  • Feb 6 -7 Winter NAPE Houston
  • Feb 10 – 14 AAPG Winter Education Classes Houston
  • April 6-9 The AAPG Annual Meeting Houston
  • Sep 15 – 17 DUG Eagle Ford San Antonio
  • Oct 5 – 7 GCAGS Lafayette
  • Oct 26 – 31 SEG Annual Meeting Denver

I do not have all the dates for the local events yet, so I will give the local event dates next month.

Also, Dawn Bissell needs volunteers for the 2016 GCAGS convention which will be held in Corpus Christi.

Bob Critchlow
CCGS President 2013 – 2014