February 2012


As part of this year’s New Year’s resolution to all the members, I suggest that a renewed commitment to the CCGS be adopted. I have talked with many members and there seems to be (several) groups within our CCGS membership. In no particular order:

Category 1: These are long-time members that had been active in the past but feel they have “paid their dues” and are not interested in participating in future committees or Board officer activities. Many of these members may have been active for a short period of time in year’s past. Others have expressed a bad experience in year’s past and seem to have no interest in any future participation.

Category 2: These are fairly recent graduates of various universities who have come to work in the geology community in Corpus Christi and have not yet committed to participate in programs. These members, of course, are the future of the society and it is normal and usual that they only gradually become involved in activities.

Category 3: These are members that over the last several years or more have been very active in filling key roles in the society, such as Board members, committee chairpersons, academic liaisons, AAPG delegates, technical editors, membership, and bulletin preparation. This society would cease to exist without an ever present team of approximately a dozen people that perform much of the work done for the society.

Category 4: Individuals who have been involved in the CCGS for over 10 years and have not yet participated to any extent.

Category 5: There are newer members with less than 10 years’ CCGS membership that have become very active. This “new blood” is appreciated and welcomed!

We thank the members in Category 3, however, many have been “long serving” and may plan to “phase down” their activities for awhile. Example members in Category 3 are: Sebastian Wiedmann, Randy Bissell, and Dan Pedrotti.

Category 5 members are so necessary and we thank them all. Example members are: Leighton Devine, Mary Vance, and Ryan Egger.

How many of our members fall in Category 1, 2 and 4? “If not YOU, then who? If not NOW, then when?”

Disclaimer: Certainly there are many more members in Categories 3 and 5 not mentioned. This is not a “who’s who.” I chose the names as examples only and many more equally deserving members exist.

Michael Lucente
CCGS President, 2011-12