February 2010

JuanCabasosHere is hoping that everyone is still true to your New Year’s resolution. Mine was that I would write four more Presidents letters, and I have three more to go! Of course, that means that half of the fiscal year is over, and we will be looking for officers soon.

Well it looks like the Big Boys are joining the Eagle Ford boom, that is if they aren’t already in. Within the last few weeks ExxonMobil and XTO, BP and Lewis Petro Properties and Total and Chesapeake have announced affiliations to exploit the Eagle Ford of South Texas. The Eagle Ford Shale and cousins, Pearsall Shale and Jackson Shale should keep South Texas very busy for the years to come.

2010 is shaping up to be an active year. Vice President Allen Lassiter has received confirmation that Mr. Clayton Williams has accepted our invitation and will be our speaker on May 19, 2010. Frank Cornish has been receiving calls on how to get type logs, so now he is working on getting the type logs to our website. Be on the look out for two field trips this Spring, one with Dr. Jim Garrison and Randy Bissell to the Hill Country and the other with Dr. Jon Baskin and Ronny Thomas to the Wright Gravel Pits. Lastly, but not least, Owen, Owen has his plate full. Not only is he still active with the Maps/ Bone and Boulders in schools, now he is pursuing continuous video loops in conjunction with the Ice Age Murals.

Juan N. Cabasos
CCGS President 2009-2010

PS: Don’t forget Valentine’s Day, I learned the hard way!