February 2007

OwenFebruaryThe Phase I–Maps in School Project 2006-2007 is progressing well— nine CCGS members will have placed or scheduled to place the USGS Time and Terrain Geologic Map of the US in 41 local schools by the end of January. The map is also hanging in the office of Acting CCISD Superintendent, Scott Elliff.

“The object of the Corpus Christi Geological Society (founded in 1942) is to promote the science of geology, especially as it relates to the development of oil and gas and other resources in South Texas.” But in order to get into oil and gas, we had to take a Geology course. Some of us knew we wanted to be geologists—I never heard the word until I was 19. But we all took Geology I in college—and became hooked. But what got us to take that first Geology course? Who helped us in that decision? Can we help students now to take science in school and Geology in college? To help us do that, we have started a new section in our bulletin called “How We Got into Geology. This can get us to thinking about those pivotal days, those decisions we made changed our lives. Many of us will be talking to our Coastal Bend students encouraging them into science and geology. It might help us to see what diverse backgrounds and paths other CCGS members took to become geologists, and it will help us to see that our diverse students could be excited about geology also. Send in a few paragraphs and a picture of yourself from those years to share with our members in the coming months in the CCGS Bulletin.

Bill Maxwell, our Vice President, has excellent speakers for our February luncheon that fit well into the purpose of the CCGS—“…oil and gas and other resources in South Texas.” Be sure to make reservations to hear the presentation by Mestena Inc. on “The Newest in situ Uranium Mine in South Texas”—we expect a large turnout. Reservations need to be made by noon Monday February 19th to jbockelman@braytoncc.com.

Check out our updated website– www.ccgeo.org –David Brink, TAMUCC geology major has accepted an appointment to be the CCGS Webmaster. If you need anything added to the site or if you have any ideas of improvement, please email him. He has some ideas to further enhance the site—so watch for changes. The last few Bulletins are always available to be downloaded from the website. Thanks to the TAMUCC geology club students who have been helping with our Junior Rockhound Program by preparing a set of minerals and another set of rocks that are being distributed to science classes along with the Geologic map. They are using the minerals and rocks that have been collected by members and purchased through the years by the CCGS.

I remember the feeling I had walking to school when I was six years old one day wearing my new Magic Decoder Ring—“that boy had a ring that could do anything, and that boy is so lucky”. Well, I had that same feeling again back in June 1980 while walking along Carancahua street between the bank buildings in uptown Corpus Christi——“that guy just moved to town a couple of years ago from Lafayette and now he is working for Win Sexton–he is so lucky.” My continuing saga of 35 years in the oil business continues in this issue—with Lessons Learned.

Owen Hopkins 1/14/07