The Holidays are here! It is funny how these things can sneak up on you. The last month has been a whirlwind for me both personally and professionally. Just recently I’ve had the opportunity to take my blinders off, and I look up to find Christmas trees and Holiday decorations going up everywhere. My inbox is filling up with invites to the local Christmas parties, and I’m looking forward to spending some time with my family. I truly have a lot to be thankful for.
I would like to thank everyone who came out to hear Tony Hauglum and David Kirk give us their “Eagleford Update”. Our local professionals always draw a good crowd, and thanks to them we had one of the most well attended meetings in the last couple of years. This month, our luncheon has been moved up to December 10th. Please mark your calendars, and join us to hear Woodson Godfrey with Paleosource give a talk on “Distinguishing a Resource Play”.
November was a great month for the CCGS. We held our second short course of the year, we had our inaugural “CCGS Pint Nite”, and our Scholarship Committee was able to award scholarships to 9 deserving young geoscientists. I appreciate all of our sponsors, members, and volunteers that help make all this possible.
Keep an eye out for upcoming announcements. The CCGS has a great schedule of events coming up during and after the Holidays. Stay involved and VOLUNTEER. I wish everyone a happy holiday season and safe travels wherever your plans may take you.
Leighton Devine
CCGS President 2014 – 2015