December 2013

It is already December and the Christmas season is upon us. The luncheon meeting speaker this month at the Town Club (Wed. Dec. 18) will be Eddie Valek, Marathon Geoscience Manager for the South Texas/Eagle Ford. His topic will be “From 0-80 in Ninety Days: Rapid Play Entry to Fully Integrated Play Development in the Eagle Ford Trend, South-Central Texas.” This paper was presented at the GCAGS meeting last year in Austin and is one of the best presentations on the Eagle Ford shale that have been.

The Scholarship Committee met on October 30 and voted to award $9,000 in scholarships to twelve outstanding students at the November luncheon meeting. Seven were awarded to TAMUK students, four to TAMUCC students and one to a Del Mar student.

The CCGS Board on November 6, at the request of the History Committee, voted to give Distinguished Geologist awards to three past-presidents.
• Bob Owen-1958
• Jim Dennis-1962
• John Schultz 1968
The plaques will be presented at a future luncheon.

Ray Govett is working on a new History Committee movie project. His idea is to describe the process that begins with an idea from a geologist and ends with gasoline in your car or natural gas in your home. Ray would appreciate any ideas that the membership has for this project, including what the title should be. He is temporarily calling it, “From Idea Into the Tank.”

Stephen Thomas is working on a couple of schools for next spring. One will be a 3D seismic interpretation class and the other is a microseismic class.

We are still looking for a Treasurer for the CCGS. If you are interested, please contact me via email or telephone.

Bob Critchlow
CCGS President 2013 – 2014