Happy April to you. Has it been raining since September? It sure feels like it. Lately, I’ve been covered up with work duties, and parenting. That being said, this month I will get strait to the details.
The luncheon speaker for this month is Richard Adams of Carr Resources. Please join us April 15th for his talk on the Lower Woodbine. Ken Orlaska with Geotrace has agreed to sponsor the luncheon bar and Pint Night. Please come out and join us Tuesday, April 14th at 5:30 for our monthly happy hour.
We have a few other events coming up. I hope everyone got the memo that the Family Fossil Hunt has been rescheduled due to weather. The event will now take place late April or early May. We will send out a notice as soon as we have a firm date. Please come out and join us. Also, student scholarships will be awarded this month at the luncheon. All students are encouraged to attend.
Just a quick reminder to send in your nomination forms for the CCGS Board of Directors. Thank you to those who have volunteered. The CCGS is your society.
Leighton Devine
CCGS President